Highly twisted picture gallery I
The puddling bisam rat tells everybody
To come to his home and visit – they arrive
He swims on his back, the paws crossed
On his stomache – uhps! Just come over –
The party fills with non swimmers –
Everybody is excited about. The esoteric
Touch from the surface of the pond
From under ….. don´t breath – that´s
The spirit!
Highly twisted picture gallery II
Darkening flashes except the dispatched
Gesture of a murmel … the animal which tries
To the catch the feather of a mouse which started
To convert into a snale – realising that
The eating had already started –
The glass only remembered the patch of an
Earing near the northpole – frozen to a
Highly twisted picture gallery III
It shoan into the window of the dancers,
who developed a certain step into the fishes
Whoarp which allowed the hands to shoot the
King twice, before he could get up to bring
Back the cloisters to its swamps.
Still they glow in the dark and tell the
Story about the new maiden, who could have
Opended the door – at least – to change
To the better.
Highly twisted picture gallery IV
Calmy the body of a bottle floated along the
Balcony and still its was refreshing, its right
Hand side writing of the duck´s impossible tail,
Which had been painted fluerescent blue
In the middle of the true lovers excerpts
Of an panel on fishing lines. No one ever
Mentioned again, that behind the curtain
Everything had been painted yellow –
Just in case!
Highly twisted picture gallery V
Sugar lovers would say that the fox has been
More than shy and even he was drossing the
Word “school” without an human behavior,
Still it could be called “cool” and never
Be accepted in the circle of outlines of a
Cityscape or a skyline: just not accep-
Table at all – no – no – no !
Highly twisted picture gallery VI
Shall we trink a cup of wine? No – once again!
Shall we have a slice of fish? – oh no – again?
Shall we kiss the moon and slice it afterwords?
Wrong! My god, what did You do to Your
Life being so ignorant. Instead of
Walking You stroll the cat, You clean the hat,
You shoot Your toe. Once more – don´t
Qualify, just be the normal rat cat in the
Highly twisted picture gallery VII
Tomographic Skinner allows the fingers
To dance all the way to an a-word without
Nothing the questionmark in the decent
Eye of the owl, while the light changes
Into orange, without knowing, that the
Negative arises the positive out of nowhere –
Where the outcry of an hamster is running
All the way around. Without joy.
Highly twisted picture gallery VIII
Kangoroohs collect all they find in their ears
Behind the pocket of the toe. Nobody can ever
Say he saw that.
May be from the top?
Highly twisted picture gallery IX
Solid smiling butterflies dig under the
New issue of word recovery, chanel one,
While they try to fix the smile again and
Again. Until they force the air to go the other
Way around and support the sun´s shadow,
Before it forms a triangle
Strange – where
Is the hypothenuse?
Highly twisted picture gallery X
A stranger tells the stork a tale,
A fairy without knowing, that such is
Growing into twist and searching for its
Own around pooluded structure
Till the end….
How nice O
How sad O
Please cross one of the following
Highly twisted picture gallery XI
Shortly before the exit the greetings changes
Into flatfiles, which wonders why
The temperature of the chairs is exactly
Competible with the Green of the floor.
Than the music score starts to step forward
And stage becomes a circling dinner with
No more than a fork and a spoon taking
Step by step to figure out the waltz.
Marvelous swing!
Highly twisted picture gallery XII
Shoeshine flattens no more than ten chicken
At a time – in a timing season who every
Body calls vaguely expressed a shore:
The shark at the beach indeed must have been
There forever to ajust the sand so misty!
Rain everywhere waves the spots to a
Picture point. Where everybody seems to agree
Because it is so simple in its turn to the
View: never mind simplicity!
Highly twisted picture gallery XIII
To come back and blend into the sand.
Last call! Last chance to catch
The sentimental at its best!
Take it, turn it, move it,
But stand still to peel the
Hurry of the time and
Shutter in the deep of the
Boxes grey –
Fall forward fast – but keep
Highly twisted picture gallery XIV
Orderlines in the chicken´s move mark
The territory, where the next plantation
Will not take place because of the
Circumstances in the subtitles
Highly twisted picture gallery XV
Amis are not the bext,
Mon ami, of the
Army, who´s been send to the vietnever,
Opened up a German house in the air of
A sound. Shelter gives an own grin
In a book and hours of watching the bird
Wiping the sun from his shoulder and
Retreat the swiff of A…..
Please fill in –
I am not Your poet forever
Just dissapeared – back in
14 days. Please contact Your
own memory or wait
till I am back to my desk.
Highly twisted picture gallery XVI
Highly alert I dump in the bathtup –
When You see something say
– sugar babe of the
supway´s line system in
salt and pepper fever.
Good fellows!
Highly twisted picture gallery XVII
Short cuts:
Shyly enough dense the locked thoughts
The memory of the presence.
The smallest fond only can take care
Of my heart beat.
The larger the distance the closer I
Can see the deep of Your eyes and
Feel the soft touch of Your hands.
Find an icon figure for each point of
Connection, picture the abstract idea.