Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)English (United Kingdom)
Walk the Wall again


Michael Steinberg Fine Arts

What is the Value of family, society, of democratic structures?In Germany, especially Berlin there was a society cut into two halves. People would not even know what happened, when parents, children would not be back next morning.Families were divided, children visiting friends in the Western part of the city could not come back at this night. They could not say good by in any case. This sudden kind of a separation happens today everywhere on different leves.

In the live-drawing-dialogue “Walk the Wall again” I will interact with the projected video documentation of my Berlin performance “Walk the Wall” (Berlin, Potsdamer Platz 2004)

I will create in my performance a drawing on the trails of the projected wall performance. The actual drawing appeares more and more upfront. At the end the projected reality of the video is overlayered by the actual documentation drawing. The drawing I will tear down at the end and form a tape ball. The ball is going to be kicked into the audience.

The projection: In Berlin in 2004 I took the stones from the back of the wall and carry them to the front of the line. The stone wall “walked” with me stone by stone all along Potsdamer Platz. The stones were real and heavy. It took about four hours to walk the wall to Tiergarten. People were welcome to help to walk the wall. They realized the weight of the stones and they did have to make decissions where to put a stone within the sculptural environment. People became part of the creative process.

This performance brings the “Value of an act of freedom” within the language of my “Walk the Wall again” performance to the people. This general value of remembrance was dissolved at Potsdamer Platz, where the wall was taken down in spite of public protest.
… and …
To “Walk the Wall” in our mind in our heart is hard work and a great issue in a global society.