Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)English (United Kingdom)

an experiment on Gesamtkunstwerk - Totalart


The Great Hall, The Cooper Union
7 East 7th Street, Third Avenue between 6th and 7th Street, The Foundation Building, The Great Hall, downstairs
Oct. 21st
6-7pm discussion "contemporary composers and an historical instrument",
8pm concert
Oct. 22nd
6-7pm discussion "The Gesamtkunstwerk (Totalart) in the 21st century",
8pm concert
Birgit Ramsauer

Free Admission

In collaboration with The Cooper Union
"spinet" is an art project on Totalart. The installation with an historical instrument of the artist Birgit Ramsauer is the center tool. She works with an international group of composers, artists, dancers, poets who dedicate pieces, as collaborators, who dedicate pieces to this tool. This is an ongoing process. The project will take place at The Cooper Union and, the following year, in Europe.

October 21st 2004

the project "spinet", part 1:
"contemporary composers and an historical instrument"

The Great Hall, The Cooper Union

October 22nd 2004

the project "spinet", part 2:
experimental collaborative music, dance, video, art, music, literature

The Great Hall, The Cooper Union
panel discussion: 6-7pm
The Great Hall
The "spinet" as a member of the family of harpsichords entered the performance stage again in the 1930ties. Contemporary music never really connected to this instrument till now. Why should contemporary music reconnect to historical instruments?

Leading through the discussion:
Christopher McIntyre, The Kitchen - Associate Music Curator
Participants include
Jens Barnieck (pianist, Germany), Thea Herold (Wordperformer, Germany), Wolf-Dieter Neupert (company for historical instruments, Germany), Georg Nussbaumer (composer, Ausria), Katharina Rosenberger (composer, Switzerland), Birgit Ramsauer (artist, Germany, USA)
panel discussion: 6-7pm
The Great Hall
"The Gesamtkunstwerk (Totalart) in the 21st century"
Gesamtkunstwerk as a team work. A different idea of Gesamtkunstwerk in the 21st century?
Leading through the discussion:
Christopher McIntyre, The Kitchen, curator music, NY
Participants include
Jens Barnieck (pianist, Germany), Gloria Coates (composer Germany, USA), Thea Herold (Word performer, Germany), Gerd Stern (poet and artist, USA), Charlie Morrow (composer, USA), Aloisia Moser (philosopher, Austria), Georg Nussbaumer (composer, Austria), Birgit Ramsauer (artist, Germany, USA)
Performance: 8pm
Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Address, Gloria Coates, 2004 (Germany, USA), Uraufführung
Pär Frid, Totentanz für Spinett, 2004 (Sweden), Uraufführung
Stefano Giannotti, L´Arte des Paesaggio, 2000 (Italy),
Heinrich Hartl, Cemballissimo, 2003 (Germany),
Horst Lohse, Birgit's Toy, 2004 (Germany), Uraufführung
Katharina Rosenberger, Echo, 2004 (Switzerland) Uraufführung

spinet Jens Barnieck
in collaboration with the artist Birgit Ramsauer
Performance: 8pm
Aldo Brizzi, "The rosa Shocking", 2004 (Brasilia, Italy), Uraufführung
Frieder Butzmann, "Soirée pour double solitaires", 2004 (Germany), Uraufführung
Gloria Coates, Birgit Ramsauer "Entering the Unknown", 2004 (Germany, USA), Uraufführung
Enrico Cocco, ........, 2004 (Italy), Uraufführung
Thea Herold, "non papers", 2004 (Germany), Uraufführung
Charlie Morrow, "alive I was silent and in death I do sing", 2004 (USA), Uraufführung
Jeremy Nelson, Luis Lara Malvacías and DJ (USA, New Zeeland, Paraguay), Uraufführung
Georg Nussbaumer, "Birding Guide", 2004 (Austria), Uraufführung
Gerd Stern, "Spinett", 2004 (USA), Uraufführung

spinet Jens Barnieck
in collaboration with the artist Birgit Ramsauer